
WUFI Passive Validation using ASHRAE 140-2017

This report, published October 29, 2019, was prepared for the Passive House Institute US (PHIUS) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (IBP). It is an evaluation of energy modeling methodology and analysis using WUFI® Passive V. software in comparison to test procedures described in ANSI/ASHRAE 140-2017, Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs. Predictions generated by WUFI Passive software are evaluated against predictive benchmarks from ASHRAE 140-2017. Elaboration of software variances is provided, in addition to a comprehensive report of test procedures and results. WUFI Passive results fell well into the suggested acceptance ranges in all test cases when following Class II Procedures of ASHRAE Standard 140. When WUFI Passive is referenced in this document, it is in reference to version which was used for all the computations described. This report is intended to be used by accrediting agencies or jurisdictions for validation or acceptance of this software.