Certification Review Queue
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Phius Review Queue
Project ID:
Phius will issue a Project ID once Milestone 1: Project Registered has been completed. The queue can be filtered by specific Project ID. If the project does not appear in the list, it has not been submitted to Phius for review.*
This is the current status of the project.Projects who's 'Upload Required Date' has passed and are marked with 'Phius' in the stage name are actively undergoing review.
Projects that include the phrase 'Pending Client' in the stage have been submitted for review, but there is insufficient documentation uploaded for Phius' review. Phius has emailed the project submitter to notify them, and the project has been pushed back in the queue while documents are pending. When the submitter alerts Phius via email that sufficient documentation is available, the project will actively begin review.
Upload Required Date:
This is the date by which all documents should be uploaded for Phius' review. Documents should not be uploaded for review after this date. Documents submitted after this date may not be reviewed or will delay the review of the project. If insufficient documentation is uploaded by this date, Phius will alert the submitter and the project will be pushed back in the queue until sufficient documentation is available for review.
Feedback Return Date:
This is the date by which Phius anticipates providing feedback to the project team. This date is subject to change depending on available documentation. Dates that fall on a weekend or a Holiday should expect feedback to be returned on the next business day.
*Queue Limitations:
Projects submitted to the queue are approved manually, not instantly.
The queue refreshes every 3 hours