Product Certification Overview

Phius Certified Products meet our performance standards and allow professionals to make informed, data-based choices. Currently, our product certifications include windows, skylights, doors, and prefabricated panel systems.

Phius Window and Door Certification Program

Interested in certifying your windows, doors, or skylights? Our product certification programs ensure that your customers have the data they need to make informed choices. Phius-verified performance data better positions your products in the high-performance marketplace.

Phius Prefabricated Panel Certification Program

Phius Certified Panel Systems have verified performance readily available to passive building practitioners. Panel systems may comprise a full construction system or a partial system such as a wall, roof, or foundation.

High Performance Products by the Numbers


total certified products


listed manufacturers

We certify new products every month, and submissions from industry-leading manufacturers are on the rise.

Phius Certified Product Database

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Phius Certification is laser focused on passive building applications. Many existing standards are effective when it comes to evaluating products, but sometimes don’t go quite far enough for passive building. At times, other standards may not include specific data or categories for evaluation that passive building practitioners can leverage for their projects.

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