
Phius Multifamily Quality Assurance Workbook

The multifamily workbook combines the requirements of all Phius' co-requisite program requirements for Phius Certification and includes all of Phius' quality assurance requirements. It is to be completed by the Phius Certified Verifier on a multifamily project and submitted fully filled out to Phius for final certification. Below are links to download v2.2 and v2.3, read further to determine which applies to your project.

Multifamily Quality Assurance Workbook v24.1.0

Version 24.1.0 must be used for Phius 2024 projects with a Phius Certification contract date after September 1, 2025.

The accompanying document to the Phius Multifamily Quality Assurance Workbook is the Phius Quality Control Field Checklist v24.1.0. This checklist must be used for Phius 2024 projects and all projects with a contract date after September 1, 2025.