In case you missed it, the Phius 2024 Standards are finally here! Not only have we added a brand new standard for retrofit projects (REVIVE 2024), but we’ve also made significant improvements to the Guidebook based on feedback from our constituents and common certification hang-ups we’ve observed over the years. Read on for a high-level overview of how the standard requirements have changed since 2021, and read even further to learn how to navigate the new-and-improved Phius Certification Guidebook v24.1.0.

The Standards

Phius 2024 New Construction - Performance Path 

With each new standard release (every 3 years), Phius re-optimizes the Performance Criteria Targets (including space conditioning and source energy) to account for several variables that change over time, including: 

All Projects

  • The predicted source energy factor for electricity
    • The “Electricity Mix” source energy factor is now 2.0 (was 1.8 for Phius 2021)
      • See new Appendix I-3.2 for more information on how this was calculated 
      • CPHCs should remember to manually change the source energy factor to a “User defined” input if their project will pursue Phius 2024 (Phius 2024 Modeling Update for WUFI Passive
      • The source energy target has increased to account for this change
  • New Energy Star median values for typical appliance energy consumption 
  • IMC ventilation minimum requirements for projects > 4 stories
    • Kitchens: 50 cfm 
    • Bathrooms: 25 cfm 

Non-Residential Projects

  • The source energy target for non-residential projects now varies based on project location, rather than having one static target for all projects
  • See new Appendix A-2.2 for more information on the new source-energy target setting methodology for non-residential projects

Phius 2024 New Construction - Prescriptive Path

The most notable changes to the Prescriptive Path have been made to the new Phius CORE Prescriptive 2024 Checklist, which is now available for use. A list of in-depth updates can be found within the Checklist under the “Update tracker” tab. To summarize the major updates: 

  • New appliance requirements
    • Selected appliances must fall within the top quartile of ES rates products as of 2024 
    • Projects are limited to 2 cold food storage devices 
  • Organizational Checklist updates
    • The Checklist has been optimized and reorganized with new built-in automations to support CPHC workflows

New Construction - On-Site Updates

General updates were made to the process and expected roles of Phius Certified Raters and Verifiers. The updates that have been made are intended to support Raters & Verifiers on site and improve communication among the entire project team during construction and Final Certification review. 

  • The Phius Quality Control Field Checklist is now available 
    • This document is intended to support Rater/Verifiers during site visits to minimize the number of site visits needed, and maximize productivity while on site
    • For example, applicable sections contain QR codes for the Rater/Verifier to scan and reference examples of DO’s and DON'Ts while taking project photos
  • The Phius Single Family and Multifamily Quality Assurance Workbooks has been significantly slimmed down thanks to the addition of the Checklist above
    • Many redundant items were removed from the QA Workbooks
  • Raters and Verifiers are expected to communicate as-built envelope changes to the Submitter and/or CPHC so the WUFI model can be updated before it is submitted for Final Review
  • Raters for all single-family projects, including Prescriptive Path projects must use the QC Field Checklist and Single-Family QA Workbook
  • Raters and/or Verifies for all duplex and townhome projects must use the QC Field Checklist and Multifamily QA Workbook

New Construction - Co-Requisite Program Updates 

For details on all required co-requisite program versions and guidance, please refer to following sections of the new Guidebook v24.1.0:

  • Design Guidance: Section 1.4.1             
  • On-Site Guidance: Section

Phius REVIVE 2024 - Retrofits 

The Phius REVIVE 2024 Standard was released in July, 2024, and is entirely new compared to Phius REVIVE 2021, having its own unique requirements that are completely independent of the new construction standard requirements. The primary goals of this standard are resilience, occupant health, and decarbonization, all while balancing the ADORB cost of the project (Annualized Decarbonization of Retrofitted Buildings) and, as always, making quality assurance and transparency a priority. Please take time to review the resources at the link above, and refer to Section 3 of the new Guidebook for guidance on navigating the certification process for REVIVE 2024 Projects. 

To keep consistent, we’ve done our best to structure our guidance for REVIVE 2024 in alignment with our guidance for the other standards. The major process difference between this new standard and the other standards is the addition of the Assessment & Investigation Phase, which occurs after it is decided that the building is a good candidate for retrofit and before any designing should begin. 

The Guidebook 

The Phius 2024 Certification Guidebook was one of the largest undertakings for the release of the new Phius Standards. Our main goals for the guidebook overhaul were to: 

  • More clearly distinguish Certification requirements based on which standard is being pursued (New Construction Performance, New Construction Prescriptive, REVIVE)
  • Eliminate conflicting guidance and redundancy by introducing self-referential links within the guidebook 
  • Incorporate more explicit guidance and certification tips to support the ideal certification and modeling workflows

To successfully meet these goals, we’ve split the Guidebook into 5 major sections, where the main 3 sections address the 3 available Phius Standards. For comparison, the 2021 Guidebook guidance was heavily focused on the New Construction (NC) Performance Path, with exceptions and some specialized guidance for the other standards sprinkled throughout, making it difficult to know where to start. To take it a step further, we’ve color coded the sections of the 2024 Guidebook in multiple places so the user can track which section they are in: the section headings, table headings, and footers on each page are color coded  teal  for NC - Performance Path,  navy  for NC - Prescriptive Path, and  purple  for REVIVE 2024 (Retrofits).

"Process Tip" (NC - Performance) - Light Teal

One of the most notable additions to the guidebook within these sections are the “Process Tips” (that are also color coded in alignment with the section they are in) as well as the “Exceptions” and “Examples” (which remain the same colors throughout). 

"Exceptions" Box - Gray

Perhaps the most exciting of them all was the much-needed facelift made to the design and modeling guidance for certification compliance, including the WUFI Passive Modeling Protocol (Section 1.4.4) and the Prescriptive Checklist (Section 2.4.3). 

"Example" Box - Tan

We’ve even added intermittent “Tables of Contents” at the beginning of these longer sections to help with navigation (a seasoned CPHC will notice that the subheadings within these sections align with their respective compliance tool)! We’ve done our best to address everything that a CPHC might ask about when using these tools – including new guidance on the default values that should always remain unchanged. 

With these improvements, our hope is that a brand new CPHC could crack open this section and model a project in WUFI from start to finish with minimal hiccups (of course we’re still always happy to help when help is needed).