Deliver Performance with this Prescription

Everything that you know and love about the Phius standard has been formulated into a digestible recipe for widespread adoption. The standard takes a hybrid approach with prescriptions for both envelope and mechanical elements of the building and allows for some performance tradeoffs within those categories. It comprises three types of requirements: Universal, building-specific, and climate-specific and is limited to single family projects.

Calling All Single Family Teams

This workshop is intended for consultants, builders, and raters that work on single-family projects (side-by-side duplexes included) that wish to seek Phius Certification through an expedited path - eliminating the barrier-to-entry of whole building energy modeling for compliance.

Hands-On Virtual Learning

The workshop is delivered live online by experienced Phius Trainers and Certification Team Staff, leading students through each requirement in the program and breaking into hands-on group workshop sessions for students to review and analyze a case study, entering it into the compliance worksheet.

Gear Up for Phius Certification

The foundational principles of the prescriptive approach will be presented and students will work in groups to determine the requirements of a case study project and assess the design features necessary to comply with the prescriptive checklist.

Course Takeaways

  • Learn the foundational principles of the Phius CORE 2021 prescriptive path requirements and the rationale behind how they were derived.
  • Discuss the benefits of implementing the prescriptive approach in a design, development or construction practice.
  • Review the Phius CORE 2021 prescriptive path checklist and discuss each section in depth, including design strategies to meet individual requirements.
  • Review a case study project and apply the lessons learned to fill out the prescriptive path checklist for a complying project.

Continuing Education Credits

AIA (American Institute of Architects)

Earn 4 AIA LUs

Phius CEUs

Earn 4 Phius CEUs



No previous training is required, though background knowledge on passive, high-performance and zero energy building is recommended.

The Checklist

The Phius CORE Prescriptive Checklist is available online for free. This critical tool is used to support full compliance with the standard. It has useful tools built in, like an effective R-value calculator, whole-building UA tradeoff calculator, moisture design criteria for the opaque enclosure, condensation risk assessment for fenestration, and the appliance, hot water, and lighting performance tradeoff calculation. This checklist will be covered in detail during the training, but we encourage you to take a peek before.