As detailed in Phius Executive Director Katrin Klingenberg’s recent Year-End Greetings blog, 2023 was a year of seismic change in the passive building world. Thanks in large part to our passionate community, we were able to achieve goals we’ve been striving toward for years.

That includes another drastic increase in project certifications, with a total of 58 projects earning Phius Certification in 2023, compared to 39 in 2022. We also saw a year-over-year increase of more than 52 percent in the amount of square footage Phius Certified in 2023. 

But if you know anything about us at Phius, or the passive building community as a whole, there is always a new challenge to overcome or milestone to surpass. We are proud of what we’ve accomplished, but know there is plenty to be done in order to realize our goal of a net zero building stock that supports comfortable living for all and the health of the planet.

As we close the book on 2023 and set our sights on the year ahead, the Phius staff wanted to take this opportunity to provide a rundown of some of the top accomplishments of 2023 and goals for 2024. Below, you will find the responses from Phius staff members, each of whom provides a unique perspective on the Phius mission and how our work supports that mission.

Hear from Phius Staff Members

  • Noteworthy 2023 Accomplishments:

    For the conference team to transform our 2024 conference events: Phius at Greenbuild and the NEW Rhode Island event! Super exciting! This is going to be really great!

    Goals for 2024: 

    • Focus on broadening our workforce training efforts big time. Finish, polish and launch our training product updates and new products and get them out there! Make the conference events a success we will remember! 

    • Celebrate the synergies with our partners in this, USGBC and policy agencies in the North East.

    • Launch Tru by Phius, the new WUFI in the cloud tool.

    • Launch REVIVE

    Company Growth Data: 

    Including part-time staff and interns, we hit the 25 team member mark for the first time ever. That does not include the many consultants who work with us on project cert, training, product evaluation. We are proud to report that we have increased our diversity as well.