
Secure your tickets for PhiusCon 2022 in Chicago this October

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PhiusCon 2022 (formerly North American Passive House Conference) consists of two days of Pre-Conference workshops (Oct. 25-26) and two days of Core Conference sessions (Oct. 27-28), all hosted at the historic Palmer House Hotel in Chicago.

This year features an all-new Bridge Track on Thursday, October 27, for those new to passive building!

Phius, AIA, and RESNET CEUs are available!

Ticket Pricing

  • Get access to both days of PhiusCon 2022! This ticket grants admission to both Thursday and Friday, October 27-28.

    (Pre-conference workshops on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 25-26 must be purchased separately.)


PhiusCon 2022 Recordings

Recordings of select sessions will be available for purchase following the conference. More information will be available soon. There will not be a live-stream option available for PhiusCon 2022.

Why Attend PhiusCon?

  • Connect with hundreds of passive building enthusiasts from around the globe
  • Hear from some of the trailblazers of passive building
  • Explore the latest and greatest high-performance building innovations in the Exhibit Hall
  • Experience Phius buildings firsthand at the Passive Projects Tour
  • Do a deeper dive on a number of topics during Pre-Conference workshops
  • Learn about the latest and most exciting developments at Phius, and what is coming next

Key Dates

​​​​​​​Tuesday, 10/25 | Pre-Conference Workshops Day 1
Wednesday, 10/26 | Pre-Conference Workshops Day 2
Thursday, 10/27 | Core Conference Day 1
Friday, 10/28 | Core Conference Day 2
Saturday, 10/29 | Suburban Projects Tour

PhiusCon 2022 is presented by Phius in partnership with the Alliance. Phius is a 501(c)(3) organization committed to making high-performance passive building the mainstream market standard. Phius is transforming the building sector by developing Passive Building standards, practices, and certifications specific to North America's many climate zones. Visit About Phius for more info.